
Weeding of the Common Roof

Since gardeners agree in their contracts to keep the rooftop weeded and looking lovely, we came up with a protocol for weeding. 

Each gardener will weed a section of the "wilderness" and/or part of the patio.  Weeding will be ongoing over the summer.  Growth slows down, though, so it shouldn't be overly time consuming. 

The wilderness includes the ground outside the individual planter boxes that are inside the railings.  The green roof on the other side of the barriers is maintained by an outside contractor.

If a gardener cannot do weeding, there are other tasks that can be done to contribute to the garden.

Weeding Tools
All of these are in the garden room.

Hand hoe -- I noticed we don't have one!  I will see about tracking one down 
The end of the patio tool.  Drag it between the patio stones and then sweep up the debris!

The claws will loosen the weeds and the stirrup makes it easy to lift the weeds. 

Fill the cloth planter bag as you weed.  

Weeding Tips

General Tips
1.       Weeding right after a rainfall is so much easier than trying to get a weed out of dry soil. 
2.       Grab a black cloth planter to fill with weeds as you go. 
3.       Empty the weed bag into the composter bin marked:  BROWN/BRUN
DO NOT ADD DISEASED PLANTS! If you see foam, blight, or lots of insects, take the weeds to the garbage downstairs.  If you are in doubt, take it to the downstairs garbage.
4.       To avoid weeds from coming back, get the whole root and take out the weed before it flowers!

Weeding the Patio
Tools:  Patio Tool
            Weed bag

1.       Put the pic between the tiles and pull back. 
2.       Sweep up the pulled weeds. 
3.       Toss the weeds into the composter bin marked BROWN/BRUN.

Weeding the Wilderness
Tools:  Weeding Stirrup Tool
            Weed Bag

Protect Lovingly:
Long grasses
Seedums that spread from outside the railings

1.       The prongs on the tool are great for loosening the weeds.
2.       The stirrup is great for pulling the weeds up.
3.       Be careful pulling up prickly weeds by using gloves and pulling from as near the ground  
          as possible.
4.       Clean weeds go into the compost bin marked BROWN/BRUN
5.       Diseased weeds are to be put in the blue dumpster in the garbage room.

Where do I weed?
This is completely NOT to scale!  
To Be Updated for 2016


The Corner
14 Jesse
13 Sonja
12 Ian
11 Mike/Rob





1 Evelyn
3 Amina
9 Robert
The Meadow

Garden Room

8 Marta




4 Pamela

1. Cooking


2. Green

3. Wood

Forgotten Spot

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